
Thursday, June 14, 2012

D.I.Y: Hanging Feathers (room decor)

Every summer I try to give my room a make over so that I'm not looking at the same thing and its a fun way to bring new things in.  I've had these feathers thrown around my room for about two years, so I thought why not put them to good use instead of hoarding them. I think yes!
hanging feathers supples

Supplies: feathers, paint, paint brush, thread, and something to hold paint in paint

1. Paint the end of the feather. So the paint wouldn't be so caked on, I watered it down so it looks natural
painted feather

2. Let dry for a bit
3. Tie your sring tight and hang

Well go crazy feathering your room, with this short and sweet d.i.y.  I going to go drink some leamonade and go to he farmer market. Have a lovely Thursday!


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