I have had this blog for about a year going on two but I never really did anything with it because I was never satisfied with it or who I was. I tried so hard to be a "blogger" and lost my motives and inspiration as for why I started blogging.
My reason for starting Flies in a Peach Can was because I was on home-studies and I wanted to connect with creative people like me. I wanted to create things and share. Most of all it was going to be a place were I could be myself and not feel weird.
In the end I did. Not because I was weird and super different but because I was trying to do thing like most people and felt like I had to, to get friends. I've learned that we are all different, and it might be in the smallest way but when we try to do the same things as other people we began to sell ourselves short. And I am really tired of doing that.
My passion for who I am and what I love doing is back and really seeing that its okay to be myself. I don't want to crave people gawwing at my stuff or who I am. I just want to live an amazing and beautiful life, throw the mistakes and doubts and always stay myself.
This weekend marked a great revelation in my life, and it had me think quite a bit. On Sunday I try to delete my previous post because I wanted to start "new" with a clean slate and all that jazz. A few post into it I stopped myself feeling as though I was erasing a piece of me. It sound really lame, but this thing that I had put my blood, sweat and tears into hurt when I tried to start new and not look back at my mistakes. I then start thinking my mistakes show me what I have become despite all the craziness. So here I am going back to the basics and loving every minute of my unscheduled life!
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