
Monday, July 15, 2013

June art journal

Happy Monday!
June was awesome in the art journaling department. I like i'm getting better at expressing myself and do it more often. These are some of my favorite i did in June.
Also what are some of the mediums you use for your art journals?

Thursday, July 11, 2013


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

neglected plants, bathroom mess, outfit plans, makeup mess, nice words, kids drawings, and imaginary words.

Thursdays are always the days that i feel like i'm playing catch up for the beginning of the week. Since i missed the first week of July i'm a lot behind, but its okay. Today i will get tons of stuff done, while i  listen to deafening loud music.

Good day to you

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Devil's Spoke


Hello July


Hello July! Summer is half way done, but we are still smitten my your hot days. Hello birthdays galore, star watching, sun sets, and acting like we are hippies just for a moment. Don't leave, craft nights, music hunting, jornaling, and sleeping in. Hello realistic days, and cleaning and getting ready for the next step. July be good to be and don't end.

Ps. This is so late because my first week was spent at camp and it was so worth it. So i will be playing catch up, so be prepared for a million post in one day.
